Friday, February 11, 2011

Cosmic Irony

Despite my ever frustrating inability to properly understand and use the word “ironic,” (Alanis really ruined that for everyone) I have been presented with a proper application. I think. I Googled it to make sure. My friends say if it is on the internet, it’s true. So behold, I present a truth of cosmic irony.

Cosmic irony: taunting from the universe. Example: You work for the Department of Middle Eastern Studies and are granted a week long tripcation touring the country of Egypt. For free. While also getting paid. However, not barely a month prior to departure, the country breaks out into the largest, longest and most organized revolution of modern history. After weeks of unfortunate and unnecessary violence, the stubborn president remains unmoved.
You wait, you hope but alas, nothing improves. This guy does not give up easy and the trip remains in limbo. Finally, the call must be made and the airline pulls all flights scheduled over the next month as a result of the volatile situation. Not barely 36 hours after your tickets are canceled, the president finally steps down and thus begins the return of peace to Egypt. Thirty-six hours.

Really?! Come on!

In my egocentric world, it feels a bit like the fates must be having quite the laugh at my expense right now. Some (my mom) call it a sign to stay the heck out. Regardless of karma, luck, fate, destiny or apocalypses I will not be walking like an Egyptian any time soon.

On the upside, it looks like democracy has found its way into another country, possibly cracking open the door for missionary work (fingers crossed). Also, now I can say it took a revolution to keep me out of Egypt. Trust me, it's ironic.


Abinadi said...

I'm not sure this is irony, but I agree with the sentiment, "Really?! Come on!"

That is all.

Melinda said...

HAHAHAHAH!!!! I would also add: SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Seriously.

Lizzy said...

It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife.... Don't cha think?