Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wrinkle Me This

I just read an article about wrinkles. Apparently, my new age bracket leaves me susceptible to wrinkles and I am strongly encouraged to take cautionary measures. Terrible. Naturally, I spent 20 minutes examining my face in the mirror assessing the situation. Thanks to great porcelain skin genes along with a distracting hair color, there is no need to panic. Plus, I decided that I'm alright with my blooming wrinkles, they are just a result of all my smiling anyway. Those are the best kind.

A wise friend says turning thirty was the best decision he ever made. I roll my eyes and make a weird noise every time he says it, but I know what he means. Life never stops moving, we just get to decide if we hop on board or not. I wasn't ready for thirty, but it sure found me. So now we ride.

I didn't decide to turn thirty, but I'll decide to turn thirty into awesome.