Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Protect the Polar Bears!

I ran into Greenpeace again. This time they were trying to appeal to my animal loving side by encouraging me to save the bears of the far north. Perhaps, because I’m so cute, they think I have a special bond with other cute things. That might be a good theory.

But first, I’m not sure how cute polar bears actually are. Sure, they are fluffy and white but they are still actual bears and I’m a firm believer that past the age of enjoying little stuffed bears there are no more bears that are cute. Second, I don’t really know anything about polar bears, I mean, are they actually endangered? Do the Eskimos hunt them? Probably. Finally, if they are hunted by Eskimos I have no idea how I could personally save them. Oh if only we could stop global warming and Eskimos!

Anyway, one thing I do know about polar bears is they like Coca-Cola, especially around the holidays. So, for the first time ever, I decided to take Greenpeace’s challenge. I’m sending a case of the good stuff to my fellow cute friends chillin at the pole. I hope this helps with the whole endangered thing…and I sure hope they share with the penguins because they are cute too.


Vivian Fisher said...

This makes me shake my head and sigh. Those coke commercials are horrible! Polar bears and peguins do NOT live together. And some people believe that do because of those misleading commercials!

Nicci said...

So, Johnny and I watched Better off Dead last night (the old John Cusack movie) and your blog name is a play off that. Better off red! So cute!!!

misty said...

Maybe I wasn't quite paying attention when I first started reading this one because I read "save...beers" and I was like "Oh Snap! Let me jump on that wagon too!" then I realized... I was reading Red's blog....after a little over three years of daily contact I have yet to bring you to the dark side. And you have yet to convince me to come to ward...whatever will we do? We'll have to discuss this at yet another lunch of inhaling fries and drinking mustard!