Saturday, December 27, 2008

Month of Mystery

As a friend pointed out today, no posts in one entire month. Sadness fills the internet.

What on earth have I been doing? I'd love to tell you that I've been busy with a new job, or boyfriend, or hobby, or world tour, or mudslinging campaigns, or religious sabbatical, or travels, or cooking classes, or reading, or even extreme sporting, but that's a negative all around. Truth is, I have no idea what I have been doing but it certainly has not been any of those things listed above and clearly not blogging. Still, I have evidence that I was doing things. My Discover bill was unusually high and I don't have any more butter in the fridge so I'm pretty sure I baked stuff. Baked and shopped. Well now, that actually sounds just like every other month. Hm.

Anyway, this past month of holiday blissfully craziness has just been one big fuzzy blur. It feels very similar to waking up from a deep dream where you aren't quite exactly sure what's real and whether or not Brad Pitt is actually waiting for you in the other room with, yeah, those are nice. Or like when you arrive to work on Monday and the coworkers make some standing joke about your tardiness and then pry into your weekend details. Hm...I don't remember what I did. Oh really, they snicker, it was that good huh (wink, wink, poke, poke)? No, no, I'm the Mormon remember, this is certainly not a 'I got plastered so hard I don't remember anything,' just a normal 'I don't remember but it probably involved food'. Sorry to disappoint, again.

I hear short-term memory loss happens sometimes to people under higher levels of stress. I wonder what has caused so much stress that I can't remember a blink of the entire month. No, it can't be that for I hear that stress is usually the result of some kind of work or work-like behavior and I think it's already been established that I don't partake in any of that. There must still be another reason. Perhaps it was boredom, no one wants to remember boredom. Although this is not really likely either since everyone knows I'm pretty much just one cute ball of fun. It must be that something so traumatic happened I have cleverly blocked the entire month from my mind. I sure don't know what it was but it sounds like it was pretty bad so I guess it's a good thing I don't remember it. Phew. Or... simplest answer, maybe someone just slipped me unmarked pills or bonked me on the head. Jerks.

Well, here you have it, a new post and a mystery...unsolved.

Morale of this long rambling and inconclusive story: life happenings + blogging = form of journaling = following the prophets + remembering things = blessings + entrance into heaven. Doh!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I think all the shopping might have caused some short-term memory loss as well... ;)