Wednesday, February 27, 2008


About a year ago a friend sent me a link to an interesting and hilarious website dedicated solely to the disbursement of helpful information regarding the ‘gingerkids’ aka redheads. I recently ran across this website again and one of my favorite FAQ’s is “Are we contagious?” Being an inquisitive person, I decided to address the issue on a more serious note. Contagious – yes we are. But is it possible our potency is wearing thin?

There have been millions of redhead studies throughout time but today I focus on a groundbreaking study conducted by the Oxford Hair Foundation. Based on their scientific findings, redheads will drastically decrease by 2060 and could be extinct by 2100. {gasps} The problem is we are one big recessive genebomb – no one really knows when a gingerkid will pop up and there is a chance that even those of use already red won’t produce any more. Turns out only 4% of the world’s population carries the red-hair gene. Now I’m not really good will all the genetics but I know those ain't the kinda odds you bet on. We are quickly loosing the battle to those dang dominant brown-hair genes!

So there are plenty of other articles refuting this horrific declaration but I find myself feeling a strong sense of obligation – as if it’s my life duty to protect our race. I must provide heirs to ensure redheads will always be available for the world’s viewing pleasure and overall general happiness. In order to secure a redheaded family, there is only one guarantee: two redheads must mate. So this is now my mission and I’m off on the save America.


Lizzy said...

One particular redhead came to mind. I think he would be equally interested in helping your cause. Yes, he has a ring... but two redheads MUST mate!!

And... just in case you haven't already figured out who I'm referring to, I'll leave you with a clue as I wish you good luck on your "Hunt" to save America.

Anonymous said...

On the plus side, by the year 2100 people will most likely be able to genetically predetermine the haircolor of their children. Assuming no individually foredeemed ethical aversion to such a procedure, this could be much simpler than devoting ones life to being a devolutionary harlot.