Monday, February 25, 2008

Gift of Gab

Rather recently (within a week’s time), I was told by two separate individuals in two entirely different situations that I have the “Gift of Gab”. Now, I must admit my initial reaction was that of the abrasive persuasion – I mean naturally, right. To me the term ‘gab’ carried some seriously negative connotations. Someone who gabs is annoying, trivial and subpar in both intelligence and humor. In all honesty I have no idea where this definition came from, sometimes I just make things up and so I was immediately repulsed by this comment. After a few minutes of unnecessary accusations in extremely high decibels, I was pulled down from my misconceptions. It was in fact a compliment, Steph. Talking to people is a good thing.

One must qualify: like any other gift it must be used (correctly) to provide gratification. Using the gift of gab recklessly is a hazard of which I’ve suffered many, many times. Note to self: some thoughts are really better just left up there. When used properly, however, the gift of gab can set others at ease, turn awkward situations into interactive comedy clubs and reinforce a level of personal communication that has too often disappeared these days.

An overused saying comes to mind: "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." In my case this is absolutely true. There is no way anyone would ever doubt that I say stupid things, it’s a daily habit. The beauty is the stupid things don’t really hurt if you’re quick enough to move on to topics of a more humorous, irrelevant nature. I call this the “Topic Tango” * and if it were a competition there would be a plethora of gold cups on my shelf. Keeping people on their feet is just what I do (and yes, I will always try to lead). Sometimes people are lost in the transition but most of the time there is enough gabbing to maintain appropriate levels of both intrigue and entertainment. It’s a skill.

Because of this wonderful gift you can always count on the redhead in the room to have something to say – you just may not care to hear it. From now on I’ll continue to embrace my gift and although it may never be perfect I’ve got it so I’ll be sure to share it...whenever and wherever.

*Topic Tango is a trademark phrase. Keep in mind the analogy can only go so far. Use with caution and don’t get all crazy with it.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

I don't mean to be like your biggest fan on the blog or anything -- BUT I am. I commend your ability to make an awkward situation a more fun one through your speech.

I would also say that I hold, to some extent, the Gift of Gab. Of course, mine is self-proclaimed. I don't know that Doug would agree that it is in fact a gift, nor has anyone ever complimented me in that way, but...I'm sure they were thinking it, right?

I love my fellow talkers.