Thursday, October 1, 2009

One of these things...

I just saw a very tall Asian walking with a very short Asian and it confused me, well, I mean I starred at them. Then I remembered this must be how Asians…or anyone feels when I, a 5’ redhead am seen with my 6’4” blond housemate. Fair is fair.

While I was in Ireland, I was amazed at the ability of Irish to identify us as American even though I really felt like we could easily be Irish. I mean I even have the hair! Still, somehow the Irish knew we did not belong. This combined with today’s Asian encounter reminded me of a talk by President Nelson some time ago. He said ‘we’ (LDS) are a peculiar people.

At first this doesn’t sit exactly pleasantly. We all know how we felt about the peculiar kid in middle school – safe distance encouraged – but in reality the scriptural reference to peculiar is one of the highest compliments. In fact, it references a “valued treasure,” “made” or “selected by God.” I’ll take that.

Indeed LDS members, particularly our Utah friends (love you), often do seem peculiar from the outside. We don’t often dress, talk, or act like what is considered ‘normal’ in today’s world and we don’t for a reason. We are peculiar because our value can not be ignored and hopefully as time goes by, as we get stronger, we will only become a more peculiar people because we should stand out.

So, the next time I catch myself staring at something that seems odd to me, I’ll remember just how peculiar I am. Sounds good.


Wendi said...

See, I would stare just because a very tall asian is a rare occurrence.

Unknown said...

I love that.

Brooke said...

I love your thoughts. Thanks for writting them down and letting me read them. Honestly, you should write a book...I'd buy it! It could be called..."Deep thought's by Stephanie!" :-)

Courtney said...

Hey I didn't know you had a blog! Love your post about the shorts I don't get it either! How have you been?