Thursday, July 1, 2010

O Canada

Today is Canada Day. I figure it is their version of our America Day. To honor them, I’m pondering all the things I know about Canada.

They have a maple leaf on their flag, but at least it’s red. I went to Canada once. They own half of Niagara Falls. I had to use funny coins to buy a beverage when we were on that side. That was exciting.

One year in college, I lived across the way from a Canadian. She was funny, friendly, beautiful and normal. I liked her. I gave her the unique nickname of Canada. I’m pretty sure she liked it. She taught me the Canadian anthem. Ours is better.

My mom served a mission in Quebec. It was so cold she still cannot speak about it without shivering.

I’ve watched Strange Brew more than is humanly necessary. They really like beers. Rick Moranis rocks. Also, it is still fun to say ‘eh’ excessively.

There was a Canadian in my career development course. He was not of the pleasant variety. There may have been a passionate, verbal discussion between us during one class. The professor could do nothing but stare in awesome wonder. I closed by telling him to go back to Canada. A year later he showed up in my home ward as a missionary. He definitely remembered me. Karma.

They sold a lot of silly hats during the 2002 Winter Olympics.

Ryan Reynolds is Canadian.

O Canada, our brisk neighbor, thank you for shielding us from the Arctic, providing an endless amount of hilarity and taking care of all the moose. You're not all hosers.


The Girl said...

Ryan Reynolds....I just passed out due to his hotness.

The Girl said...
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Lizzy said...

That Karma was just maybe the funniest peice of Karma I've ever witnessed BTW.