Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cute, sappy...and so true

It is no secret that I enjoy cute, little things and I have yet to stop the rumors that I’m fairly skilled with crafty projects and such. It is also not a secret that I do NOT like sappy-cute-crafty things. I don’t care for motivational wooden plaques, feel good embroidery pillows, silly animal pictures with cheesy sayings, ridiculous generic forwards adorned with angels and I certainly don’t scrapbook. It’s just not my thing.

Sure, my own taste in craft projects might not suit another, but the brilliance is I don’t care. I know what I like…and I’m mostly ok with others enjoying the crap they like. Sometimes I feel bad if I gag when you show me your little puppy pillow embroidered with: “I wuf you”…but it is not my fault you have creepy taste.

Sidetracked…anyway, my best friend is a member of a card making club which she really enjoys and is rather good it. It is a form of scrapbooking that I’m not completely opposed to so I’m ok with it. Occasionally she shows me something that is a bit cheesy, she admits it and I just giggle. Overall, they are really beautiful and rather sweet and I enjoy getting them. Recently she posted one of the cards she made on her blog and for the first time I saw a cheesy, gag inducing quote that actually gave me a genuine smile:

“A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same”

This simple little quote described our friendship better than I ever could. Our friendship has lasted more than a decade because we truly know each other and we love each other despite and because of what we know. There are not too many people in my life I’d be prepared to say that about and without question she makes the top of the list. We have seen each other from laughter to tears and together we have forged through the wonderful and the despair. A friendship like this does not come along every day and when a cheesy but beautiful quote appears as a reminder you find yourself most grateful for the opportunity you have for them to be in your life.

I did not intend for this posting to be homage to my best friend, in fact I was prepared to bash more warm-fuzzy quotables, but perhaps this is long overdue. We are human, and honestly just not that easy to love sometimes. Some of us pose challenges because we are clueless, guarded, broken or quite simply a tad bit feisty but we all desire to be and have good friends. A true friendship is more than completing sentences or bursting into laughter by the look of an unspoken joke. A true friend loves you despite all faults and cares enough to patiently encourage you to overcome them. A true friendship stands the test of time, distance and change. As two peas in a pod, together, we have weathered all three. I am so lucky to have a friend like her that can make a cute, sappy quote mean something very real to me. I am proud to call her my best friend.


Colette Campbell said...

While I was reading the first part of this lovely post, I thought of despair.com. So I looked to find a "friendship"-type motivational sign. Check it out: http://despair.com/loneliness.html
Okay, so it's not so much about friends, but the lack thereof. :)

Lizzy said...

Awww... (tear). You LOVE my card, I knew it!!! So, I saw these Christmas ornaments the other day...you know the kind that you can personalize. Anyway, they were peas in pods!! Sadly, they didn't have one with only 2 peas... Only 4 or more. And I was like "who needs more than one pea in the pod with you when it's Steph?!"

P.S. May I remind you that one time you actually gave me a cute little puppy dog that actually did say "I Wuf You" when you squeeze it's belly :) Ha

P.S.S. You WERE talking about me right? That could be awkward.