Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sugar Free June

That’s right, for 30 days I will be sugar free with the added bonus of removing carbonated beverages...more specifically, caffeine, from my diet. Before everyone goes crazy, rushing to remind me that it is impossible to be entirely sugar free let me clarify: I have removed "junk" sugars from my diet but maintaining natural sugars like fruit as well those incidental sugars in bread, etc.

Why on earth am I doing this? Well, good question. I figured since the 5k is over (which I totally ran in 42 min) I needed another goal which would increase my overall health and happiness...and give me more bragging rights. I’m looking to purge the system, shock the body into a more efficient processing machine and stimulate more weight loss.

Even with all these excellent reasons, what it really all comes down to is that 2009 is a year of conquering for me. I conquered Ireland, a 5k, some heavy reading and now it is time to tackle sugar and caffeine. Once I finally decided on them, my first few goals ended up being fairly reasonable to accomplish and sustained a high yield of gratification making them extra rewarding. I’m hoping June will continue on this path of amazinginess.

Today is sugar free day 4 and it is has not been easy. There have been incidents of severe headaches, a bit of drool, a tear or two and some mild hallucinations. It’s true, I knew it was going to be rough when I mistook a piece of orange paper for a Reese’s cup and wanted to devour it. No fear, I did not. Instead, I have replaced my normal sugar/caffeine intake with an excessive amount of peanuts. July food ban: peanuts. is a pretty awesome feeling being able to knock out even a few things in life you either want to get rid of, overcome, or finally accomplish. The initial decision and accompanying challenge is extremely empowering, invigorating, inspiring and yet it can still be slightly scary. Change is good but change is change so expect some growing pains such as ridiculously sore calf muscles or caffeine withdrawal headaches and become BFF with Ibuprofen. But in the end, running through that finish line, it is totally worth it.

I’m not sure what will be next on the list after teaching sugar a lesson but one thing is for sure, nothing will stop me from making 2009 a year for the history books. Hey December, watch out – I’m already punching June in the face!


Lizzy said...
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Lizzy said...

you are my hero.

take it from an expert at giving up caffeine (seriously, i've tried like a million times)... the first few days are the hardest AND the headaches should go away... and hoopefully the hallucinaitons ;) the cravings may not, but YOU can DO it!!

Melinda said...

You are amazing!!! I'm so happy for you and your year of conquering! Inspirational!!!

I love the "July food ban" ~ hahhahahahhaha!!!!

Colette Campbell said...

Look at you go! I don't know how extreme you're going, but if you want some sugar-free homemade yogurt, I have a decent recipe that is better than store-bought plain yogurt. It'd probably even taste almost sweet to you. You crazy girl.

Nicci said...

I did that all last semester for a class - no refined sugar for three months. It was hard!!! But you can do it! Have fun - and be friends with Splenda

Unknown said...

You are so much stronger than I

Janell said...

I'd heard that Ireland was under new management, but I hadn't realize you were the one who responsible!

If you can conquer the third largest island in Europe, you can certainly show a pb cup whose the boss. You're almost to the end of the month! Good luck!