Friday, March 14, 2008

Fair Play

Warning: Sentimental Posting

Earlier in the week I took part of the annual tradition: the Texas Fair and Rodeo. There's no shame in saying that my mom guilt me into the excursion by labeling it a "good family bonding activity". I mean really how does one ever get out of that? I'm not sure what made her select the rodeo for our family time but I think it had something to do with the animals. Moms and baby sheep - what can you do?

The trip was off to a great start in the family suburban on the long drive out to the middle of nowhere. My little brothers were in the back playing DS and I was reading so yeah - that's bonding right? Next, we arrive to the fair grounds only to wait in a ridiculously long line where there was only one person selling the tickets and yet there were 5 people standing around waiting to take the tickets you just bought. There was definitely something wrong with that picture. We overpaid for our entrance fee despite having called prior to confirm it would in fact be cheaper to purchase the tickets at the gate - nope, not true - liars! After entering the gates and taking a big whiff of what I can only describe as the 'rodeo smell' we head off to yet another line to get the coveted wristband. With this gold shimmering slip of paper we could now walk the grounds like rock stars getting on absolutely any snap-n-play ride we wanted! And so we proceed with the fair. Still now, I can't really put my finger on it but there is just something slightly off about the people that work at the fair and rodeo. It's never a surprise, just fact. But then again this really only adds to the overall experience - I mean you can't say you've done the fair without actually talking to a few genuine carnies.

Despite my initial protests, it happened, more than once - bursts of laughter left my lips. I was having a great time and so was the rest of the clan. But it wasn't until I was hanging upside down in the Fire Ball with nauseous levels rising exponentially by the second, it occurred to me that it wasn’t the actual rodeo I was enjoying at all - it was in fact my family bringing the grin to my face. My mom was right. We spent a nice day with each other just laughing, chatting, and eating. It didn't matter that I stepped in a ton of poo and that she made me comment on all the pretty little cows sitting in their cages. We were together and together we had an amazing day.

Rodeo recommendations:
Skip the Fire Ball. Yeah it looks way cool but I'm tellin ya...just walk away.
Try the chocolate dipped cheesecake on a stick but don't eat the hotdogs.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

I feel bad, especially after reading your entry, that I did not take Doug to enjoy the famous fair & rodeo. He loves talking to genuine carnies!