Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I ran across this fun word today and so I will share some of the happy thoughts it brought about. For those, like me, occasionally vocabulary challenged I shall provide the definition to ensure complete same pageness:

1 : a bragging speech
2 : vain boasting or bluster : rant

I’ll go ahead and acknowledge the negative connotations but what a great word! Plus, it describes my daily pursuits. I decided long ago that my ego was just far too big to rely on others to fill so if I wanted to keep it bursting at the seems I alone was going to have to do something about it. My simple solution now has a great word: rodomontade! Surely, there is a good and very bad way of proceeding with this technique. Some of my fellow ‘rodomontadies’ push way too far, coming across rather conceded and are usually repulsive. I, on the other hand, find a happy, safe medium in humor. For certain, it’s a sneaky humor, the result of ridiculous statements or exaggerated skills which I likely don’t actually possess. It matters not what I go on about, with my rodomontade I stroke my ego and thereby maintain a level of contentment albeit unrealistic view of the world. But I’m good with that. Go on, give it a try and tell me if it doesn’t make you feel better. And if you can’t think of anything to brag about yourself feel free to brag about me...I will take it!


Abinadi said...

I'll admit that I a have a propensity to deliver the occasional rodomontade or tirade [pronounced: tih-rawd], but never in the pejorative sense of the word. I warm to vainglorious boasting. Every time.

Dan Jones said...

I do believe that my rodomontades are, in very deed, the most amazingly supercilious rodomontades of all. In fact, one might say that all rodomontades are simply meek tributes to the rodomontades that so easily flow from my beautifully-formed lips. All other rodomontades are but shadows of my own.